Posted tagged ‘Where do you stand at work?’

Where Do You Stand

September 15, 2014

Where do you stand with your company? The truth be known most people who come to work every day wonder if it is good … does the company like me? Does my boss like me? What’s my future? Do I just keep my head down and do my job?

Everyone should know where they stand … should know what they are good at and what they can look forward to in the future. How do you rate yourself at this point? Everything going pretty good? Do you have a good idea of when you will be promoted … and what it will entail? What if you get a new boss? What if the company is sold to new owners? Is your boss as loyal to you as you are to him? Is your company as loyal to you as you are to them?

What do you think your destiny is? Remember it’s YOUR destiny … not the company’s.

Try writing down in 15 words or less what you are really good at.

Then write down in 15 words or less what you really like to do.

If you can consciously decide where these two things intersect and how you can find a career that includes them both – what you are good at and what you like – then you will be having fun … and will have some control over your destiny. If you make it your goal to get yourself in the positions where what you’re good at matches what you like to do. Then you are off to the races. It is important that people know where they stand. Too many people don’t know where they stand … what their future is … how fast they can grow … what they need to do to improve. This is important.

My purpose here is to make you think … really THINK about your career … your future. I encourage you to take some time and really ponder on this subject, no matter your age or the stage of your career.

Next Blog: Is candor good … or cruel

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