Posted tagged ‘Postive Attitude’

How to be an Effective Leader Today

August 2, 2013

Recently I was asked what does it take to be an effective leader in business now days. The question was put as if it was different five or ten years ago. So I thought I would share some straightforward ideas that cut to the chase in this fast-paced world where our business-life has become any enemy of our personal lives because it takes so much time and has so much stress … but is a necessity to our life as a whole.

Think Big – In today’s business world, leaders don’t have the luxury of enjoying the moment and taking a break. Competition is so brutal that you have to be thinking what is new, what’s next, what needs improving … what is our competition doing, who is new to our market, what are our customers doing. In other words, things are changing fast … and to keep up you have to always be thinking forward. Anticipating is important … but keeping a sense of the pulse is a must. And this can only be done by staying attuned constantly and continuously looking at the Big Picture.

Stay Connected – there was a time when one could be a solo leader and do very well, but those days have passed on to newer more transparent ways. People want to be included in the decision process … and some don’t want to take on the responsibility of making decisions by themselves. At the same time, good people don’t want to be controlled, micromanaged, or have to work in the dark. Plus, today information is readily available and if something isn’t shared, it doesn’t take long to figure out what’s going on. Hiding or reclusive leaders aren’t trusted … and, therefore, are not followed far, or long. In the process of business today, being an Indian chief ordering everyone around is a waste of valuable talent and opportunity (and dollars). A good leader is able to orchestrate a good team to success with the synergy of the team members.

Positive Attitude – Leading isn’t easy and can become stressful if not managed properly. Leading involves working through challenges and ups and downs … and the successful leader will instill a sense of urgency by keeping their people involved and engaged in their area of the business … looking forward and meeting all challenges head on with a positive attitude. On difficult days, a leader must emphasize past successes and point towards hope and opportunity.

Continuous Improvement – Change is part of life and we have to embrace it and use it to our advantage. One cannot stay with the status quo … in today’s business world, and life in general, change is happening at warp speed. Leaders have to be Change Agents … staying trend-right by being Agents of Discovery and Agents of Improvement … lest you become out maneuvered by your competition or a better leader. Furthermore, the effective leader must constantly be encouraging their people to stretch to grow and improve themselves and the company. This results in a win-win for everyone, especially the company.

Think Strategically – Seldom do we reach a destination by chance … therefore, an effective leader will be a strategy expert. And the best leaders figure out how to “execute” their strategies into positive results. Staying attuned and focused on vision and strategy will always provide for growth … but being able to gain commitment from employees and customers … along with being able to execute a plan whereby a vision is accomplished both effectively and efficiently will always provide success. In today’s market one of a leader’s biggest challenges is to do more and better with fewer resources … which takes us right back to having a strong and correct strategy.

Skilled Communicator – At a time where information overload is rampant … where information is at everyone’s fingertips, the most effective leaders will be skilled communicators … both written and orally. First, one must be able to filter the mass of information whereby only the information of substance for our strategy is what is used and improved upon … and second, keeping an eye on the plan of execution of the strategy for success to happen … and third, ensuring that this is properly and timely communicated both horizontally and vertically.

Be Firm – The successful leader will be able to guide his team toward a well-defined and communicated vision. They will stay the course by standing firm in spite of hardships, setbacks, and disappointments. As fast as change is changing, there must be some consistency, which will grab and keep the spirit of the team together for the long haul. This is how real progress is accomplished. This is the “difference maker” of the leader who is not distracted with “the thick of thin things” that in the end won’t matter, and the ability to stand firm and reach the mission accomplished goal.

What are your attributes to being an effective leader?

© Phil Hoffman 2013. All rights reserved