Posted tagged ‘Organic Foods’

Thoughts about Your Immune System

February 22, 2018

Key Points at a Glance

  • Our No. 1 Defense against illness of any kind is our immune system.
  • Our body is a made up of regenerative cells … our cells replicate or renew themselves approximately once every 7 years, except your brain cells and some cells around your nerves.
  • Our body is made up of approximately 50-trillion cells.
  • Scientists have helped us find out that we need approximately 90 nutrients on a daily basis because not all the cells wait until the last day of the seventh year to regenerate so you can wake up and find yourself a brand new person.
  • Therefore, the multi-millions of cells, which your body divides and forms into new cells everyday, needs these 90 essential nutrients everyday to be healthy and strong. They need all these nutrients to have the building blocks they need for you to be healthy.

If you are on the standard American diet, which most are, you are way short of some of those 90 building blocks that your body needs.

The actual breakdown of those building blocks show that 60 of them are minerals, the other 30 are made up of essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and key vitamins.

Needed Building Blocks of 90 Nutrients            =  90

Made up of essential Minerals                              –  60

Balance are amino & fatty acids, & vitamins  =  30

*Essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and key vitamins (13)

Why Immune System Weaker?

Note that the vast majority are minerals.

Why are our immune systems weaker today than 50 years ago?

Why did cancer go from 1 out of 12 in the 50’s to 1 out of 3 today, and cardiovascular from 1 out of 12 to 1 out of 2?

Our immune systems are obviously letting us down because of what we are doing to them and what we are eating.

Out of the 90 essential nutrients, needed 60 are minerals. And those are the things we need the most, but they have been depleted over the years. The main reason is because of agricultural practices of the farmer.

It all started in the 1960’s when farmers were introduced to pesticides. They learned you could just spray the pesticides on fruits and vegetables and it killed all living pests and varmints they had to fight every day. This saved the farmer time and enabled them to take more produce to market… or they became more efficient. Problem is the pesticides not only ended up on fruits and vegetables when killing the pests but also ended up on the topsoil and seeped down into the soil.

The topsoil has an eco-system in it. Or I should say had an eco-system before the pesticides and herbicides started seeping down and killing it off. Before pesticides, a square foot of topsoil had millions and millions of microorganisms and bacteria.

Back in the 50’s we knew they were there but were not sure what they did. Now we know about all the good things they use to do. Unfortunately, these pesticides when they seeped down into the soil simply killed the eco-system – which means the organisms and bacteria were killed too.

Example Given

The best example of this is a UCLA study in 1997 when they took some spinach grown back in 1953 and compared it to the spinach grown then (1997). They found it would take 43 bowls of 1997 spinach to equal one bowl of 1953 spinach in nutrients … and especially iron.

Keep in mind that without good minerals the body cannot utilize vitamins properly, therefore, another reason for the importance of good minerals.

This is the reason it is very important for each of us to turn our attention to proper nutrition and not leave it up to the farmer, FDA, food manufacturers, or doctors.

What can we do?

Commit to eating food from …

Organic sources

  1. Grown without pesticides or herbicides
  2. Water soluble
  3. Place more emphasis on the plant kingdom, which makes it water soluble, digestible
  4. Avoid processed foods and focus on natural

Choose foods and supplements that include nutrients that help the digestive system. Also seek enzymes to transport and breakdown the nutrients to carry them through the digestive system and into the body where they are utilized

Also seek herbs that are gentle but needed to move excess “stuff” that doesn’t belong in the body

It is important to DEJUNK THE BODY – you should focus on ensuring that  your elimination organs are as healthy as possible because they DEJUNK your system, they are …

  1. Your colon
  2. Your liver (processes everything)
  3. You kidneys
  4. Your lymphatic system (your vacuum cleaner)