Posted tagged ‘Meal Replacement’

My Morning Shake

March 1, 2018

For the past several years, energy and meal replacement shakes have been popular with many people. In 2011, I began exploring what was available to see if I could find “a healthy one.” I felt I had a good grasp on what I needed but as so often happens when I delve into something it seems I learn a whole lot more. My knowledge base grew considerably as I did my research … in fact I surprised myself in ways I never imagined. At this point I want to note that this blog is not to try to convince others to partake of the same thing I am doing (in fact I won’t mention any brands), but merely to share some of the interesting things I learned.

I started my search in March 2011 and after considerable research and comparison-shopping found what I was looking for in June 2011. This was a daily meal replacement shake. I haven’t missed a day since July 2011.

The Chosen One

The difference between a meal replacement shake and other types of shakes is that there are enough calories, protein, carbohydrates, and other ingredients to take the place of a normal meal. The key for me was was health; therefore, I wanted quality ingredients – preferably all natural and organic – and the right balance of nutrients, including vitamins.

The replacement meal shake chosen has three key ingredients in the proper balance for me. After comparing a plethora of the options available, I zeroed in on one with a one-to-one (1:1) balance of protein and carbohydrates to each other … plus the carbohydrates are low-glycemic. (Note: I’m not diabetic, but value the importance of quality carbohydrates.) The third key ingredient was a good amount of natural fiber.

The Difference

Here are many of the things I learned in my quest that I think make the shakes I chose exceptional:

As noted, the three key ingredients wanted were protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. The shakes chosen include 24 grams of high quality undenatured protein and exceed USDA organic standards, plus 24 grams of quality low-glycemic carbohydrates, and 8 grams of quality natural fiber.

Furthermore, low in saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol; have enzymes that break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats to maximize the absorption of the key nutrients.

They contain only natural ingredients – no hydrogenated oils, fillers, artificial flavors or artificial sweeteners Helps you stay fuller longer, supports muscle enhancement and healthy blood sugar levels. Contain only the highest quality ingredients — no hormones or antibiotics. This meal replacement shake provides balanced nutrients to maximize nutrition while minimizing caloric intake for safe weight loss and effective weight management. Another important benefit is enzymes to break down the low-glycemic carbohydrates, proteins and fats for maximum absorption of key nutrients. The high quality whey protein contains a superior amino acid profile for optimum health and wellness.

Biggest Lifestyle Change

To go further into the details is just getting too technical. So I’m going to stop the details here and merely add that the hardest challenge for me in switching to the replacement meal shakes was that I have chosen to have mine first thing in the morning, which meant it replaced breakfast. Breakfast had always been a big deal for me and I’ve always enjoyed the tastes, flavors, smells, and nuances involved first thing in the morning. I do however still have a cup of coffee with my shake. This routine makes sure I get the best healthy ingredients in my body from the get-go every day. I’ll admit it took me over six months to change my breakfast routine to shakes. In fact, occasionally, I would switch my shake to lunchtime in order to overcome some breakfast graving that was driving me crazy. I finally adjusted and I am so happy – and healthier – starting my day with quality nutrients that wash over all my cells first thing in the morning so my reproductive cells have the best chance to reproduce healthily, which gives me a strong positive start to my day.

My Invite

I hope this adds some value to your day and should you have a comment to share please don’t hesitate.

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