Posted tagged ‘Mary Barra’

Historical Day Today in the Business World …

December 10, 2013

Today it was announced that Mary Barra would be the new CEO of General Motors. The first woman to be the chief executive in the auto industry. This continues the expansion of women into the C-level offices in major corporations around the country.

The other thing that I think is quite interestng is that to my knowledge, Ms Barra is the first CEO who has climbed to that position after starting in the human resources area of a company. I cannot think of another CEO that has climbed to the CEO level of a successful company that built their foundation on HR. If someone knows of someone, I would appreciate them sharing that information with me.

I wish Ms Barra great success and applaud her for her achievements and willingness to take on this huge task in leading GM forward as they expand their global footprint.

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