Posted tagged ‘Letter from Ukraine’

Current Letter from Ukraine …

February 28, 2014

This special blog is a letter from a Methodist Missionary in the Ukraine right now. I am simply posting this letter on my blog that I received from a friend who went to Ukraine two years ago to work with Pat Whaley, the missionary who wrote this email.

From: Patrick Whaley

Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 5:29 PM

Thursday Evening February 27 from Ukraine.   Please pass this information on to as many people as possible.

Please continue to Pray for the people of Ukraine and peace with all of our neighbors.
Tonight there is great joy, tremendous sorrow, a reawakening of the financial disaster  and much tension of possible separation and war with Russia.

!)  For Ukraine there is tremendous sorrow.  One week ago more than 80 Ukrainian people died by Ukraine Police on orders by then Ukrainian President. Everyday that realization has become tremendous sorrow. Remember most of the country are non Christians…. so grief is open because of lack of faith.  Media will say those that died were Ukrainie Heavenly Heroes.  But, almost all who died were non Christians…. so the talk of Church People is whether those who died go to heaven because they were Ukraine Heroes?  These realization is helping many to realize they need to come to church. They need to raise questions of faith.  There are 24 hour prayers with candles in the middle of most cities every night. There is overwhelming sorrow.  The sorrow is also turning into anger as most people realize the blood of those who died is on the hands of the former President.  He is now wanted for Mass Murder and Corruption.  He is hiding out with Russian protection and will give a speech at 9:00am Central time. He claims he is still the elected President.

2) Central and Western Ukraine there is Great Joy.  In the midst of memorials to the victims and thousands of flowers everywhere there is a sign of hope and joy.

The Interim President is a Baptist Pastor. He prayed in the House of Parliament.  He knows Ukraine must pray, confess its sin and ask for God’s Blessings. Today he met with Religious leaders from across Ukraine and he led the group in prayer!!!   In one week we have a President that prays with Parliament and is pulling everyone together. This in sharp contrast of mass murders and bribery.  All the major government positions have new leaders and they are all working together. (All the new leaders come from Protestors group!!
The main police force that charged Maidan in Kyiv, the police with snipers all have been disbanded and re-leaved of duty.

Many good things are happening in new Pro Europe government in Kiev.  but, there is also the reality of what has happened.

3) 70 Billion Dollars have been stolen by President and all of his money friends The new leaders said we love Ukraine but, we also have major problems.  Everyone has seen pictures of President and other leaders lavish lifestyles.  But, now reality hits.  Russian gas in western Ukraine is cut to a trickle.  No money to pay for pensions, no money to pay for University professors, money for hospitals or doctors…NO MONEY!!   Remember everything is run by the government. No work, no pay and the country has no money.  Universities all across the country have been closed this week (the first week of freedom) but no money to run the schools and everything else.  Local governments, schools, hospitals… almost everything was run by Party of Regions, the former Presidents party. Now no President and also no money paid as bribes.  Leaders of all these institutions are being forced to resign, new leaders appointed, but there is no more money for bribes or no more money to pay anyone.  Normally the Ukraine money UAH is 7.9 to $1.   Today it hit an all time record at 11.2 UAH for $1.   Trucks are not running, markets are closed. Gas prices much higher today…..finances for everyone is in total chaos!!

4)  When the President went into hiding and Parliament with the opposition leaders along with German, France and Poland leaders came together to form a new government, papers were signed……But, there was no one from Russia.  Putin will not Lose!!   (Read today Fox News and CNN on Ukraine)  They will say there are 150,000 military troops on Ukraine border. Russian media says 250,000 troops ready to come to…….Ukraine.  Because according to Russia it was a group of thugs paid by the west that through rocks and fireworks, they ran off the president, this new government is not legal. This new government not Hand Picked by Putin, cannot and will not be the recognized government of their friend, neighbor and family member Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia are family. They were one country for 70 years.  Russia will say the west including America is tearing our family apart. Ukraine people do not want this new government….if anything Ukraine people want to come back to the family and become part of Russia again.   Crimea is 60% Russian. No Ukraine flags fly in Crimea tonight – only Russian and Soviet Union Flags.  Stalin is the toast of Crimea tonight!!  His picture is everywhere in Crimea tonight.  Remember my pictures from this past summer. Pictures of Stalin, Soviet flags and Russian flags everywhere.  Russia very much wants all of Ukraine… but if not all Ukraine, then they will take Crimea, then all the Black Sea coast including Odessa. Then the cities in the East Kharkiv, Lugansk, Donetsk.  All these cities we have churches, all these cities within 30 minutes of Russian border.  People speak Russian, the cities look Russian, many people work in Russia.  Olympics are over and Russian troops are getting ready.  Ukraine is too valuable to let slip out of their hands and control.  The former Ukraine President is the godfather to Putin’s grandson!!!   Ukraine will not escape his grasp!!  Already the Russian Orthodox Church is trying to take over the Kyiv Ukrainian Orthodox church!

The tremendous violence and bloodshed in Kyiv is over and a new government with Christian leaders is in place.  Permanent elections are May 25.  Only a miracle from God and everyone’s prayers could have made the difference.  But, just because you do not see Ukraine on the news, do not think all is ok.  Ukraine needs prayer more than ever!!  Please pray without ceasing!!

Please share this with friends, Churches, Sunday School classes.  Ukraine needs prayers!!!  Ukraine needs to confess its sin before Almighty God and Humble itself and let Jesus Christ become first in the lives of people….. not bribes or vodka or corruption of every type!!  Pray for all of our churches as we reach out to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  The past few Sundays we have handed out 500 balloons each week that says, “God Loves Ukraine” We also gave out New Testaments.  This week we will give out SASHA crosses with a hole in the top. We will have blue and yellow ribbon (the colors of Ukraine) and give them out on the streets again with New Testaments.

Please Pray!!  Together in Ministry!!


SASHA Ministry!!!