Posted tagged ‘Keeping Top Talent’

Keeping Top Performers

September 19, 2014

A good leader will never lose one of their top performers. As a leader you can never let that happen … if you do, it’s your fault … no one else’s. You must identify your Top 10% … the cream of the crop that make things hum the way you want. You love on them. You have an environment where the other 80% want to be one of them. Your job as the manager of the Top 10% talent is clearly a critical thing. I can’t state that strongly enough.

Here’s how you determine if you are managing the Top 10% correctly. Make a list of the top 7-8 key initiatives in the company. Then list next to each initiative who is in charge of getting the initiatives accomplished. This may include 8 people, 20 people, or 30 people. But the telling question is how many of your Top 10% are working on these top initiatives. It is not uncommon to find that critical issues or opportunities are not matched up to the best people.

Develop a dashboard or tools to help put real meaning behind what makes the company hum … from the Top 10 to the Bottom 10. Remember, what gets managed (or measured) is what gets done or what keeps key talent engaged, involved and on the team.

Getting top talent to come to work for you is important, but keeping your Top 10% must be managed intentionally and consciously in order to ensure success.

Next Blog: The idea that knowledge is power is over.

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