Posted tagged ‘Educate Your Self-Knowledge’

Over the Hump to Healthy

March 8, 2018

Once you get over the hump to be healthy, you consciously want to live a clean lifestyle where you focus on helping the body clear itself of impurities and want to drench it with healthy nutrition. One example is your drinking water. You are very conscious and careful about the water you drink. First, you want filtered water. If it’s not available or you’re not sure about what you have, then you want bottled water, which at least has a chance of being filtered or purified. The last and least choice is regular tap water.

The Why and the How

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I started taking a healthy meal replacement nutrition shake in July 2011 and haven’t missed a day since. Simply because I started feeling better than I ever had … or at least in a long long time. I’m a left brain guy, but I like the right brain too … I need pictures. The analytical side is that I want to know Why. Why did I have that experience on the products when I thought I was doing pretty well before? After three days, I was feeling noticeably better. Then when I learned more about the Why and the How it only got better. At first, it wasn’t easy, but once you accomplish certain things that help you replace some old habits with better habits … and then with good habits that make sense. Once you “get it” it becomes a no-brainer and isn’t hard any longer. Your mind develops a completely new process that gives you the answer without difficulty. The biggest difficulty is when your surrounding environment doesn’t offer you healthy options. You eventually learn how to handle those too and after a while, the difficult times become less and less.

I was reading, listening to podcast, and watching videos that helped me learn the Why and options to the How. You quickly learn there are others out there who want what you want, and they will help you get there. After three years, I was off all medications including statins, allergy, testosterone, and thyroid prescripts. Once you realize the doctors will give you something no matter what and that you have the greatest pharmacy in the world at your grocery store in degrees of quality (regular, natural, organic) and your body can heal itself in most instances if you will give it a chance to. I admit it can be challenging and concerning at times, but no more so than decisions you make at work or raising your kids or developing your relationship with your spouse. When you get serious and start learning and applying good commonsense applications you just have to have the courage to make the right decisions. You’ve had to make just as tough of decisions before … but now you are making decisions for you that effect how you feel, how long you will live, how active your will be, and how you will handle aging. I chose healthy aging.

Educate Yourself

When you educate your self-knowledge properly you quickly learn how powerful knowledge is … and it’s up to you to learn and know. Especially if it’s true and makes sense, and is science backed. Letting others tell you what’s good for you and just believing them because “they’re suppose to know” or because of the letters behind their names, isn’t in your best interest. It is best for you to know what’s best for you. You owe it to yourself and your family. Once the light comes on there’s no arguing what’s best … you’ll know. So at that point it just made perfect sense why I had the results I’ve had. That’s why I say I’m a product of the product. Now after several years of learning and knowing the difference I have a lot more going for me than simply a daily nutrition shake with 90 essential nutrients. Thankfully, I have a wonderful spouse who has progressed with me step by step. Often she is the leader or adds insights I missed or didn’t understand. Plus it helps to be in sync on meals and nutrition as well as wanting to know the Why and the How in general. It’s the old story about once you learn to fish you can feed yourself.

There are solutions that will transform your life. You just have to want to before you need to … or, before it’s too late.

I hope this blog has been of interest and possibly adds some value to your life. If you have a chance leave a comment.

© Copyright 2018 Phil Hoffman, all rights reserved