Posted tagged ‘Clients’

Selling in Today’s Economy

August 9, 2013

I have a good friend who has been an independent sales person for many years. They are paid straight commission. They are very successful. Yes, they have had some frustrations from the tough economy by having their territory enlarged while their car and travel allowance have been reduced to save the company money. In addition, the company’s’ advertising and co-op programs were trimmed considerably.

But they continue to do well. What is their secret?

Here’s what they shared with me …

  1. They are serving the needs of their existing clients, getting referrals and closing new business.
  2. Their mantra is “activity breeds productivity.” While there may be a downturn in business at times – and recently for an extended time – that doesn’t affect the level of service they provide. Rather than talking about bad or sad news, they stay positive and are seeking the good news or opportunity in every story they hear or read … in every conversation … in every client contact.
  3. They continue to stay abreast with changes and new introductions into their market, and keep learning all they can. They listen to a lot of podcast while driving and search for current events to bring up with their clients that are positive.
  4. (Here’s a key one) They make it a habit to contact every one of their existing clients at least every 30 days. Simply asking how they are doing. Finding out what they are doing to conserve cash or to generate new business (the client).
  5. They show their clients that they care and want to be helpful when possible but always available and supportive. They never miss an occasion to give good wishes, birthdays, happy holidays, New Year, anniversary (personal and business), etc.
  6. If they have not been successful in talking with the client on the phone or in a face to face meeting within a three-week period they send them a personal note or card.
  7. They email their clients any trade news updates that are specific to their area of expertise as a way of sharing and as way of getting their opinion. They also email them anything of personal interest that they follow (i.e., fishing, hunting, sports, football, music, etc). They are very careful to control this so they don’t come across as an email “pest.”
  8. They include in every conversation or contact these words, “What can I do for you today?” Their goal is to always offer to give first … ask later. When the time is right to ask for something, they always ask first for their continued business, second for referrals or ideas of how to increase business, and then close with saying how much they appreciate them and value their friendship.

Do you think this sales person is ever going to lose a key account … or that the “home office” will consider taking any of their clients away from them? Seems to me they have a pretty good system for making themselves bulletproof or indispensible in their territory.

Do you have any experiences in this area?

© Phil Hoffman 2013. All rights reserved