My Tribute to Chuck Winters

Chuck Winters died January 7, 2017. Simply put, Chuck Winters was a great guy.  He was always friendly … energetic … a quick smile … and ready with a word of encouragement.

When I was attending CT meetings it was always a delight to see Chuck at one of the meetings. He was usually late … grabbed a cup of coffee, located his seat and then he would scan the room giving everyone a look with a twinkle in his eye, and a welcoming smile. Then he synced-in with the subject and started sharing insights that were helpful, encouraging, and valuable. And when he commented to help one of the attendees – especially the newbie’s – he always gave direct eye contact and a confident message that made everyone feel included and helped. He could take someone else’s answer that may be a little complex or convoluted, and restate it in a simpler format that was immediately understood by the whole room.

I felt his presentation on the DISC personality test was excellent. He put together a well-organized, planned, and thoughtful series of 16 Key Topics for those who attended his Friday morning CT Meeting. He was always reviewing and looking to improve his meetings. He was a true Servant Leader. In his LinkedIn profile Chuck said, “I like to custom design and deliver training programs and materials that REALLY, REALLY work, and help people perform at their top level.” That’s what he did. That’s who he was.

He gave me a wonderful Recommendation on LinkedIn, which I will not remove. He was bright, intuitive, and wanted to help … to share his expertise.

I liked Chuck Winters. He was a good man. We often met for lunch at Salsas. He was always late, energetic, wanting to know what you had been up to, how was the family, and quick to share his interesting comments and funny stories.

We miss you, Chuck. We’re praying for comfort and understanding for your family.  RIP

© Copyright 2017 Phil Hoffman

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