Mattress Overlay Pads with Revoloft™

Sleepmade for Health

This is the second of three or four posts I am doing about Sleepmade. Then I will return to posting on leadership and management.

I wanted to share with you Sleepmade’s innovative process of making mattress overlay pads that is gaining attention in several of the health segments of the commercial markets as well as the hospitality markets.

We have one of only four machines – in the world – that does Centrifugal Machining to create small cluster balls of Fiberfill that enables us to evenly layer our Revoloft™ fiber consistently. Through Centrifugal Machining, we are able to take high quality hollow fibers and spin them into little balls with bounce and durability, which are clustered together to make our exclusive RevoloftFibers. These ingenious cluster balls enhance the comfort of our overlay pads and rejuvenates itself during the washing and drying process.

Our Revoloft fiber is revolutionary not only in its amazing process but in enhanced comfort, resiliency, and being able to hold its shape 2-4 times longer while not clumping, bunching, or matting-up like standard fibers.

© Phil Hoffman 2015. All rights reserved

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