Today’s Jobs and Economy – Part 8 – the Economy

This is the eighth and final edition of my eight part series on “Today’s Jobs and Economy.” And to be perfectly candid I have been struggling with writing this final blog. Why? Well, because I don’t want to be negative or political … and looking forward things are very concerning while the stock market and media continue to indicate things are moving upward and doing well … and I’m not sure that’s the case. There are some strong economic issues right on the horizon that must be addressed … such as raising the debt limit in October, the second round of scheduled sequester cuts looming, the Syria issue, President Putin becoming a factor in the world within the last ten days, jobs / unemployment, changing of the workforce, interest rates rising, household confidence is fragile going into the holiday season, etc. Furthermore, keep in mind that the debt ceiling was reset at $16.699 Trillion on May 19.

To address my dilemma of stating the current state of the economy I am listing three links to current articles on the economy that are much better than my personal pontifications. Here they are:

Let me close with a trivia quote I believe was by Peggy Noonan in her book “When Character was King” that went:

“Ronald Reagan once explained the difference between a million, billion, and a trillion as follows: A million dollars is a stack of $1,000 bills 4-inches high. A billion dollars is a stack of $1,000 bills the length of a football field. A trillion is a stack of $1,000 bills 54 miles high.”

What comments would you like to share on the economy?

© Phil Hoffman 2013. All rights reserved

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