A GoodStuff Leader Profile

A good friend of mine who I have always thought is a strong leader in his own right recently shared with me a personality evaluation test he took and asked for my input. He seemed perplexed and unsure whether he should share this information and wanted to keep it confidential. He had been sitting on this evaluation for over six months and wasn’t sure what he should do with it.

In reviewing the evaluation, I became perplexed as to why he was so hesitant. I felt it was accurate and awesome. I thought the evaluation was on target with many of my feelings about him. In fact I thought it was complimentary and he should be proud of it. In order to protect the innocent, I will refer to this evaluation as “GoodStuff” to avoid possibly giving away my agreed confidence. Here’s a recap of the evaluation …

  • Those rated as GoodStuffs represent between 1% and 3% of the U. S. Population.
  • GoodStuffs inhabit a world of creative ideas.
  • They are independent, original thinkers who are driven by their strong feelings, and personal integrity.
  • They are sensitive, committed, hardworking, and perceptive. GoodStuffs are often excellent listeners, skilled at generating enlightened and creative solutions to other’s problems.
  • They are thoughtful and careful decision makers,
  • GoodStuffs prefer to have plenty of time to let ideas “percolate” before taking action to ensure they have thought things through thoroughly.
  • Because they value harmony and agreement in building teams, GoodStuffs like to listen to others perspectives first but if there is misalignment, they like to persuade others of the validity of their viewpoint. They normally win the cooperation of others by using approval and praise, rather than argument or intimidation. At the same time if it comes down to making a tough decision they do not hesitate in doing what they feel is best for the organization or team.
  • GoodStuffs go to great lengths to promote fellowship and avoid conflict, but should conflict result they are swift, precise, and firm in their action.
  • They are often perfectionist highly focused, and driven to accomplish their goals. Their unspoken mission is continuous improvement.
  • They are rather formal and reserved … always respectful of others.
  • GoodStuffs are difficult to read, but it is very important to them that their values, needs and concerns be understood and respected.

Wow, to me that sounds like a strong leader.

What are your thoughts on the GoodStuff evaluation profile?

© Phil Hoffman 2013. All rights reserved

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2 Comments on “A GoodStuff Leader Profile”

  1. Phil Hoffman is definitely GoodStuff material. Would love to have him on the team. Carpe diem and SUCCEED!! @JimCarpe_Diem

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