Creating Credibility

It seems that in today’s world we want to express everything with quick pithy sayings and expressions. We love sharing quotes and getting our messages across through famous quotes or sharing our own unique ways of saying things that are impactful.

When it comes to credibility building there are three very strong words that go a long way, they are, “I don’t know.” Or in some instances, “You are right.”

In leadership and teambuilding, I like two four-word questions that lead to impactful discussions. Those are:

  1. “What do you think?”
  2.  Followed by, “How can I help?”

These two short questions can lead to tremendous ideas and discussions that can change a company in very positive and progressive ways.

Many leaders and most managers are concerned they will lose credibility if they don’t know everything and have all the answers, especially about something about which they “ought” to know. However, more often than not the exact opposite is the case.

Providing an opportunity for others to share their knowledge can make everything else you say more credible. Providing a neutral environment for discussion identifies you as a person who is not afraid to listen and learn … and as someone who wants the truth, even when that truth might reflect poorly on you.

At the same time, it is important to say that such statements like “I don’t know” or questions asking for open expression should be followed by an action plan that is proactive in using the information shared through follow up and execution with improved results. Keep in mind you will be judged on whether you deliver on your promises or insinuations. Furthermore, it will affect your future acceptance and dealings with those involved and those whom they know and share their experiences with in the future. So be thoughtful and proactive in your intentions and especially in the follow through, or you may cause irreparable harm to your reputation. But done properly and sincerely these discussions can catapult you to success and opportunity.

What are your ideas on creating credibility?

© Phil Hoffman 2013. All rights reserved

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