Principles for a Successful Leader

As a Leader, it is important to periodically take a look back at the principles that have proven to be successful in business and pass them on to others. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Keep fit … physically, mentally, and spiritually … be as strong as you can be in each while seeking a balanced life
  2. Watch your habits … bad ones will destroy you
  3. Learn to pray – faith will take you beyond reason
  4. Find and follow core values and professional management principles you agree with and apply them logically and practically to your organization and everyday life
  5. It’s the Who; not the What … people are No. 1 – their development, loyalty, interest, team spirit, and culture … develop managers with a work ethic in every area … this is your primary responsibility as a leader (and will become a key asset)
  6. Decision: good leaders grow by making decisions and assuming responsibilities for them – two important ones are:
    1. Make very clear what decisions each manager is responsible for and what decisions you reserve for yourself
    2. Learn to have or learn all the facts and advice as necessary – then when you make a decision, stick with it
  7. Criticism: DON’T … don’t criticize people … but make a fair and firm appraisal of their credentials and skills … remember, anything you say about someone may (and usually does) get back to them (there are few secrets)
  8. Always look for the good in people and try to develop those qualities first
  9. Ineffective managers: if a manager cannot perform their responsibilities and the employee is incapable of performing their duties; find a position whereby they can contribute, or terminate them immediately
  10.  Manage your time wisely:
    1. Short meetings and conversations to the point
    2. Make every minute on the job count
    3. Work fewer hours by being more intentionally productive
  11.  Be excellent at delegating and hold those responsible to high standards of accountability
  12.  Daily details:
    1. Have your staff take care of daily duties … make sure they know that it is their duty and what your expectations are
    2. Utilize your energy for productive planning, thinking, working with department heads, promoting new ideas, making decisions to make the company more successful and of greater value
    3. Only do what someone else cannot do for you
  13.  Ideas and competition:
    1. Strategy, vision, and ideas are what keep the business alive; therefore, you must be engaged, involved in all areas
    2. Be sure to know your competitors and what they are doing and planning
    3. Challenge and encourage all management to think about better ways to improve the company and give suggestions on anything that will improve the business
    4. It is important to spend time and money on training, research, and development
  14.  Make it a point not to try and do an employee’s job for them – give counsel and suggestions (be a proactive mentor – coach – teacher)
  15.  Be objective … think big – keep a sense of humor – make business and work fun for you and others

What would you suggest a Leader share with their managers?

© Phil Hoffman 2013. All rights reserved

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