Obligatory Post (Health)

A little over a year ago my wife and I started a nutrition and health improvement program for the two of us. She agreed to head up our research and validating of what we would do and how we could implement it into our daily activities. She did her research with the objective to focus on four key factors we had agreed on:

  1. Quality … first and foremost
  2. Easy to use without major life changes
  3. Would work well for us both
  4. Our objective was not to lose weight … but to be healthy for the long haul

She did her research and narrowed the choices down to three programs and then together we did our due diligence together and decided on what seemed the best choice by far over everything else we considered. We had total agreement and commitment … which surprised us both.

We had agreed quite a while back that we both wanted to be healthier and in better shape – not just physically but our overall health. Neither of us were excessively over weight … however we knew we could do better and wanted to get started together on a long-range program. We agreed we both needed quality nutrition, consistent exercise and adequate sleep to maintain optimal health. Once we chose the direction we were going to follow, I agreed that if it worked and I lost 10 – 12 pounds, I would give her full credit and do it in a public fashion. So this blog is my “public fashion.” I don’t openly talk about this subject very often but if someone asks me, I am ready to share.

First, this is not an attempt to sell anything, therefore, I will not mention brand names or anything like that … I will just share the results I am experiencing.

We went with a nutrition drink and supplement program that had what looked to both of us to include high quality ingredients and ease of use … and something we could implement into our lifestyles without too much adjustment to our routines. (Obviously, improvement would require some change … we just didn’t want radical or difficult changes.) We received our first product in late August 2011 and started on the program in September.

Our first reaction was that everything we experienced with the company we chose was of high quality … from service, follow through, shipping, packaging, and most importantly product. With anything new we tend to be sensitive to taste and ingredients, etc. … and we were to … to the max. But everything seemed okay after the first month. Then we learned some things that we didn’t expect. For example, I am a breakfast person … I like breakfast In or Out … I enjoy reading the news whether it’s a paper or on the iPad or computer while having breakfast. But I learned after the first month that starting the day with the nutrition drink quickly stymied my breakfast cravings … and I was satisfied until lunchtime. We continued experimenting with additional supplements to the drink which not only made it more nutritional but more satisfying for us. I learned we were actually washing the molecules of our bodies with quality nutrition… I couldn’t wait to “wash” everyday. Also my cravings to snack subsided considerably … which was a huge factor, as I was a snacker (chips, cookies, chocolate, etc.)

I also started exercising regularly … nothing strenuous … simply walking 30-minutes every other day for two weeks. Then I added hand-weights three days a week … 10 lbs … 8 different exercises; 12 reps each; 1 set each. And finally, I consciously focused on getting seven hours of sleep at night. Now I exercise from 50 – 60 minutes five days a week (walk/jog/bike) and enjoy it thoroughly … and maintain a hand-weights regimen that I vary from week to week.

After fifteen months I have lost over 15 pounds of weight and over 20 inches in my physic (arms, legs, stomach, etc.) … and have significantly increased my muscle mass. I am the same weight as I was thirty years ago and feel the best I ever have since playing sports in college. There are many other positive side effects I’ve experienced, a few are… increased clarity of thought, improved energy, better sleep, and a happier outlook on life.

Okay, I have met my “public acknowledgement” obligation and my wonderful wife’s health plan has worked for us and is simply fabulous. It is basic and doable and has added a new dimension to my life in a natural way without expensive memberships or equipment. My goal at this time, is for the rest of my life to be the best of my life.

What are you doing to improve your health?

Questions? Suggestions?

© Phil Hoffman 2012. All rights reserved

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