Now What?

The past week and the past month have been something of a roller coaster ride on many fronts. I don’t blog about politics but there are certain world issues that affect us all that I believe we need to be cognizant of and just think about.

  1. The Election is over … now we know who the leadership is and an idea of what is going to happen
  2. The Fiscal Cliff has now moved into focus and will be a major subject the next several weeks … these issues affect all our lives …
  3. The leader of the CIA has resigned
  4. The Secretary of State and other cabinet leaders are expected to start resigning so we get to see some new tweaks and adjustments taking place that will affect us
  5. The “personalities” of Congress will now reclaim attention since the Presidential Election is over
  6. The Federal Reserve shot its last bullet with the last interest rate reduction so they will not be able to do much to impact the economy other than share their ideas, perspectives, and suggestions
  7. Revising of the healthcare system to implement Obamacare will pick up steam
  8. Business leaders have a sense of what is going to help or hinder their business and will start making decisions according to their knowledge and perspectives … their job is to look out for their business
  9. We should see a better defining of the “new normal”
  10. With the Election over we will start hearing more about foreign affair issues … with both our friends and enemies … both good and bad

These issues and others will have a significant effect on all of us. It may be wise to simply think through the ramifications of these issues and how they will affect you, your career, your future, your investments, your lifestyle, and your family.

What are your thoughts on the foreseeable future?

© Phil Hoffman 2012. All rights reserved

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